Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery of My “Artistic Life”

I’m always been very conscientious that it takes many years of study, hard work and experience, plus maturity to grow as an artist or arts administrator. I have been very blessed to work or connect with some of the world’s leading artists or spiritual leaders. Some have been mentors who are no longer with us, some are friends or some are colleagues. Here is a visual gallery of these folks that have added so much to my artistic life!

My parents Bill & Doreen Walker, sadly missed, they are my inspiration for life and art!
High School Performing in 1978
My passion for vocal music and “Barbershop singing” began with this group The Gang of Four
Obtaining my BA with family support!
The “Thomas & Walker” Reunion
In performance with the Orpheus Choir of Toronto at Roy Thomson Hall!
Staying in touch with Canadian Artists such as Adrianne Pieczonka has been a wonderful joy for me and in networking with other artists for future projects and/ or events!
Emlian & The Orpheus Choir of Toronto liaising with Classical 96- for Media Promo & Accommodations for Spring Concert 2008
Reunion with Ms. Silke, my art teacher!
Meeting and shaking hands with Leonard Bernstein in 1981 at Tanglewood-that was magical vocal to choral musical summer for me and my other BUTI Alumni. We will never forget that awesome summer!
Meeting and working with Maureen Forrester was such a joy for me in 1989-during my Arts Mgmt apprenticeship years!